Updated SAPY Dates

Please use the below dates for upcoming SAPY nights. 

SAPY Family Day - Ski Trip

SAPY families are heading to Tawatinaw Valley for a day on the slopes on February 8.  Bussing will be provided.

Register by February 1 using the link below.


Lift ticket only - $20

Lift ticket & rentals - $30

Lessons - $21

Tubing - $10

Register Here

Dates for SAPY Nights

Jr. High

February 4 & 18 

March 4 & 18


February 11 & 25

March 11 & 25

SAPY nights run from 6:30-8pm in the parish hall unless otherwise posted.

Youth nights are 6:30 – 8:00 pm in the Parish Hall.