
Regular Mass & Confession Times (Main Church)

Tuesday – Friday Mass

8:00 am           Main Church


8:30 am           First Saturday of the month

9:30-11:00 am       Individual Reconciliation

5:00 pm         Mass


9:00 am          Mass

9:00 am          Mass - (Francais) Connelly McKinley

                                      Funeral Home Chapel

11:00 am         Mass (livestreamed Mass)

6:30 pm          Mass

St Albert Parish Livestream Sunday Mass

 Fr. Jack will be celebrating a livestream Mass on Sunday 11am.

Our parish now streams the 11am Sunday Mass on TELUS channel 877! As of May, 2021 we will no longer be streaming via Facebook.  Youtube and Telus will be the only two remaining options for watching the livestreamed Masses.

 You will find a Mass at different times on Or click on the link below for list of online masses on the archdiocesan website and Grandin Media.

YouTube will livesteam our Mass, Sunday @ 11:00.  Please click on the following link.


7 St Vital Ave  St. Albert